An orchestration is the executable execution of a business process, that is, a chronological and reasonable set of activities to be able to achieve an objective. Orchestrations are executed by the BizTalk orchestration engine which manages the life cycle of the orchestrations such as instantiate execution, migration and termination across host situations as well as routine and monitor the interaction with external entities. The BizTalk engine consists technically by a couple of SQL Server databases with stored procedures and jobs running on the MessageBox database and Management database and a group of managed assemblies which run within BizTalk host instances.
XLANG is the primary vocabulary use to identify and execute the workflows. Orchestrations are linked with the MessageBox data source which receives text messages from receive ports and dispatch messages through the send ports. Orchestration Designer is a visual tool for creating orchestrations. It offers several shapes that you can place on the design surface as visual representations of underlying actions, and they can help you to design and implement an orchestration efficiently. The Orchestration Designer has been divided in three sections: two port surfaces and an -orchestration flowchart area.
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You have also a Toolbox windows with orchestration designs and the Orchestration View screen. You are able to drag-and-drop various toolbox shapes onto the flowchart area. Getting started off with an example, I would build orchestration process by re-using the schema and map which we establish inside our previous articles. Create a fresh BizTalk project by clicking File|New|Project, selecting the BizTalk Project node in the Project Types tree, and entering the real name BizTalkDJ.BasicsConcepts. Let’s specify the simple business process, as an illustrative example, this process is straightforward.
An Order Request record is received, and order changed and then delivered to the Warehouse system then. Now, let’s configure the shapes. Click on the Receive form and go to the Property windows and set the true name to RcvMsg, Activate to True. Double go through the Transform shape and in Transformation Configuration page, choose existing Map and then choose the orderRequest and Outbound Message as Destination and Source respectively.
Let us add and configure the ports which will be the communication channels between your orchestration and external systems. Right-click over the Port Surface and choose New Port. Right-click on the recently created slot and choose Configure Interface Then. One-Way Communication and set Limitation Type as click and Internal on Next.
In the Port Binding page, select as shown, click Next and complete the wizard. Comparable to logical Receive Port, create the Send Port, but in the Port Binding page set the Port Direction option to I’ll always be sending messages on this port. Right go through the BizTalk Solution and designate the snk and Application Name (BizTalkDJ.Concepts) then deploy the application form.